
December 10, 2012

Art Work

I'm donnnnnnne!!!

I finally time off from school for an entire month! No freaking out, no walking around like a zombie, no sleepless nights or achy wrists from too much computer interaction, I'M ALIIIIIVE!

I have to say, it was a lot of work this session but I learned so much! For the first time (I think), I will share my art blog so you can check it out if you feel so inclined, but this is my favorite piece from this session =)


HOW COOL IS THAT??? Yes, I drew this myself (well, traced and then filled in) but all the same, I'd never used that program for something like this before. I've been deprived... In the past, I'd always drawn or rendered with my hands, never on the computer but this was SO much fun! I can't wait to find out more about how to use Illustrator and get even better at all this. I had a blast even though I was mostly stressed by deadlines, haha!

Now I'll have to find something to do with all that free time...maybe start watching new shows? We'll see!


December 6, 2012

When's the next break?

I've decided that it's time for my husband to do all the work and I can do all the sleeping. I am constantly exhausted and am pretty sure, getting headaches because my body is in total confusion. Final week of classes before xmas break and I have not even started on this week's many projects. I will probably be stuck to the computer all night and whine and bitch tomorrow, but that's what happens when you procrastinate. GAH!

In other random news: I'm surrounded by pregnant women! Is everyone else seeing this? Is it just me? A friend mentioned the other day that "as soon as you want something, you can't get away from it. You see it everywhere". It must mean this girl is itching to be a mom. I can't decide if it's late, or early, or if I'm right on schedule or whatever. I've been married a year and 5 months (in 3 days, but who's counting?). Already 3 couples I know who were married a few months after me are expecting. I don't know how I should feel about that.

I sometimes tell myself I have plenty of time, but just a couple of days ago, I was brutally reminded that it is just not so. My best friend in Paris informed me that someone she'd known for over 15 years passed away at 34. THIRTY FREAKING FOUR??? What is going on? Why are people dying so young??? I always say "enjoy life while you can" but it really hits home when things like that happen. Everything you think you'll have time to do later, you may not get to do. Word of advice, if you want to do something, do it. If you want to meet up with friends, meet up with them. If you want to start or fix a relationship, do so now. You just never know!

I caught up to my mystery novel In Death series and am now feeling hollow inside. I feel as though everything I will read between now and the next In Death book will be like munching on saltine crackers when you are starving for a juicy steak. I obviously need help there. I have lots of options to chose from though, but I am wondering if I can be as entertained. We'll see.

Work has been pretty busy. We're in the middle of adding on about 250 people to our employee database, and there are about 8 of us who will do the majority of the data entry over the next few weeks. That should be fun. Better start some kind of wrist work out, LOL.

Finally (and this is what happens when you don't blog for a while; too much to talk about), I put up my Christmas decorations this week. Well, just the tree and a wreath at the front door, but I want more. Wondering what I can get to add to the house without freaking out my husband, who doesn't really celebrate it, but tolerates it because I turn into a freaking child this time of year and light up like a kid at anything Xmas related... gotta love him :)

November 13, 2012

Vacation Withdrawal

Souvenir shop at the old Palace in Ankara.

Hagia Sophia Museum (hayasofya) in Istanbul.

Driving along the coast in Izmir.

I have had an amazing vacation trip to Turkey for two weeks. I visited Ankara, Istanbul and Izmir and wish I had had more time to learn a few more words and eat more delicious foods... sadly, it had to end and I'm now back to my reality =(.

Coming back to work after a vacation is always hard, but I don't know if the hardest part is coming back, or knowing it will be weeks before your next break. It's a desperate tie between the two.

On a happier note, my department is taking us bowling in a few hours for the end of the day to blow off steam. I think it's a great idea even though I don't feel well enough to bowl, I think it will be fun. I think I'll go eat something so I'll be hungry enough for appetizers later ;p

Welcome home to me!

October 23, 2012

In Need of Strength & Speed

I've been wishing I were Wonder Woman (minus the spinning in place) this week because of everything that I have to do. I have two days (technically, tonight and tomorrow night) to finish a ton of house and homework before my trip to Turkey on Thursday (YAY!). Yes, indeed my minions! I got my visa and plane ticket last week and have been dazzled ever since. I don't think my body has caught up to my mind yet so it's moving in very slow motion, which is very bad for business...

I have tried making lists of things to do to force myself to work them down, one item at a time. For whatever reason, it doesn't work. I can't stay focused and I can't stay on task. I don't know why that is, or if it will every change, but in the meantime I do what I can. So I tallied everything up and man, are there a lot of things on this list!!!!!

First order of business

I'm not really sure what to bring but i figure we will do some tourism so jeans, sneakers, sweaters in case it's colder than my mom said (ha ha), and maybe a few going out outfits. I have to tag my sister to see what the weather is now at the beach where she lives. I think it may still be pretty warm over there, but the last time we talked she said it was in the 27C (80F) and about 19-20C at night and early in the morning (mid 60F). The rest will fall into place once I pack. At least I'll know what's missing and can go from there :)


I don't even know everything I have to do for school. My goal was to do as much stuff in advance as I could so that I could enjoy my vacation and not have to actually study while I'm away. I thought I would do the work and save it on my laptop, and the submit it when it was due, buuuut I yet have to complete stuff from last week before starting on this week. Helloooo F.R.U.S.T.R.A.T.I.O.N.!!! So far I count:

- week 2 project: brochure
- week 2 project: HTML codes
- week 3 project: web page design
- watch live chat week 2: 2 hours
- watch live chat week 3: 2 hours

- week 4 project: design packet
- week 4 project: CSS File for web page
- week 4 discussion 1
- week 4 discussion 2

I want to get all that done in two days... Ya... that's enough to give anyone a headache! We'll see how far I get, but at least I've got everything written down now. I called my teacher for the web page stuff and she said she explained everything in the live chat videos, so I will have to watch those first; maybe while I pack? we'll see how it plays.

Two more days of being frantic, then I can relax and pass out on my 8 hour flight to Istanbul! I may not post until I've arrived there, so tootles and see you when I return people :)

October 3, 2012


A lot happened since the last time I posted. I took last Thursday off because my hubby had to have surgery. He's been at home recovering for the past few days and doing okay, not in too much pain. I'm constantly asking if he needs anything or trying to do things for him, which I don't think he likes very much because he hates not being able to do things for himself. I think he may even be a little annoyed with me for forcing him to sit tight and do nothing, haha! He hates being idle. Sorry boo!

I also took Monday off just to get my brain back in order and stuff together before the new school session. Sadly, I didn't get much done. Well, I did do stuff around the house. I ironed about 7 load of laundry but haven't put everything away yet. That will be for some night this week (yay, fun).

I also started getting papers ready for my vacation trip to Turkey (YAYYY!), but haven't heard back yet from the Consulate. I need to get an appointment to apply for a visa and stuff, then I can get my ticket and start planning what the heck I'm gonna wear! Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!

The new receptionist at work is hilarious! I don't remember if I mentioned her before, but anyway, I got her completely hooked on my In Death series. I know, I'm insane... and, you're welcome. Hahaha! We hang out mostly at lunch on days I come to work early because I'm practically starving by the time 10 o'clock arrives. I reverted back to the same hours I worked when I was at the lobby for 3 days out of the week, so it made sense to join my old gang for lunch on those days. We definitely have reading in common as well as not taking crap from people and being allergic to bullshit so naturally, we get along =p. I think she started reading the series a month ago and is flying through these books like a true J.D. Addict. I'm so proud :)

I think I'm going to spend a little bit of time reading or watching something lighthearted tonight and relax. I'll leave the political debates to my hubby :)

Until next time...

September 25, 2012

It's Finally Here!!!

My passport is finally here!!!!!!! I cannot believe what a hassle it was to get this small booklet; or that it held so much power over me, but ANYWAY, it's here and now I can actually start planning my vacation to Europe! I am thinking I can go next month or at the latest in mid-November. I'll start working on that and getting stuff together this week. A co-worker is already creating a letter for me to verify employment, so I can send it to whom it may concern when the time comes.

I have a couple of days off from work coming up as well this week and next week. It will be nice to sit and relax a little, but I have a ton of crap to sort out around the house. Prepping with fall and winter and stuff (blah!) - moving things from closets, etc. I can't wait. Yay. =/

September 24, 2012


I need a vacation!

I have been slaving at school for the past 10 weeks and all I can say is: I need a break. I have no energy, no willpower, no motivation left. Nothing. I'm seriously considering taking the rest of the year off, but of course, it would affect my financial aid and blah-dee-blah, so I can't. I won't. I have to keep reminding myself of the light at the end of the 10 month long tunnel and hope I will make it through to the end. Big Sigh!!!

Ok, enough of that.

This week, I'm off from school, off of work on Thursday and next Monday, so I get to catch up on stuff I need to do at home. Maybe I can revise my schedule to include 7 days of cuddly moments with the husband, a few days at the gym, maybe a night a week w/ my girls whom I miss TERRIBLY, and perhaps a day to relax watching TV? We'll see how it plays. 

I started a new J.D. Robb today and if you're not following my ReadOlogy, you should be (:p). Granted, right now, it's mostly reviews about her books, but I only have a couple more before I'm fully caught up with the series (bitter sweet). After which, I will be back to reading more random stuff and catching up on other series. Who's read something fun lately? I don't like non-fiction, and I hate, hate, HATE, tearjerkers!!! There's enough sadness in the world for me to be reading about it for days. I want something I can laugh at, or some other randomness that will transport me into another reality. It has to be well written sooo, sorry 50  Shades, but you're out... Auf Wiedersehen! I'll be taking suggestions :)

I actually have also started another book on my Nook "Heat Rising" by Richard Castle (yes, the one from TV). I know it sounds really weird, but they ended up actually writing the books mentioned in the TV show, which if you've watched, will make the books even more hilarious. This is the third installment of Nikki Heat crime novels and I barely started. Honestly, I haven't even read 10 pages yet, but it's nice to already have a face for all the main characters. I am excited about the show returning tonight and I hope it's a good season. I also hope they don't make it all about the romance (ugh), and that it returns to a fun, hilarious, cop show like it was in its first couple of seasons.

It's just about time for me to start my work week so, have a great week everyone!

August 24, 2012

And The Beat Goes On & On

I haven't been online too much lately because school has been kicking my butt and keeping me from living... I thought I'd check in and see where my blog stood.  I have to say it's starting to creep me out a little how many views I've gotten since my last check-in back in the Steady As She Grows post in December. I shouldn't be because according to my mini research, it's nothing compared to what heavily visited blogs get; that's maybe the equivalent they get in an hour... still.

Then again, maybe it's all the same few people that constantly check in to see if I've posted anything? Who knows... this is the only breather I get today soooo, off I go again :)


August 10, 2012

Friday Stuff & More

Finally, my hubby returned home yesterday from a 3-week trip to Florida. I wanna put up a brave face, but it was horrible being in a quiet house for that long, ha! Thankfully, some of my chicas stopped by to hang out so that school work wouldn't be my only distraction. Thanks ladies!!

Got our homeboy visiting us for the weekend too and staying up late will be a factor, so I'll be drinking more Dew. Don't judge me.

Finally got one of my friends to read my obsession (In Death), previously mentioned in Once Upon A Book. I think she started but I only gave it to her on Tuesday and she hasn't come knocking asking for the rest of the series yet. My guess is she'll start sometime this weekend or next week, or I'd have heard. Unless (dare I say the un-sayable...) she didn't fall madly in love with it... IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIKKKKKKKK!

I plan to have a fun weekend w/ hubby and friend. Not much going out because I think it's going to be mostly gray and rainy, but definitely some laughs whichever way we can get them :)

Not much else to report other than the bitchy have become bitchiest and think it nudges me one bit. Sour mistake. I cut people out of my life faster and sharper than a Santuko knife, so you may think your childish behavior affects me, but this is the most attention it will ever get.

Because I want to end on a happier note than the aforementioned, I saw the cutest pics of my baby nephew in Belgium today. I can't believe how fast he's growing! I can't wait to meet him, he's the most adorable thing ever!!!

on that note...


July 26, 2012

Days Without My Ré of Sunshine!

My home girl RB (aka Ré, aka Noushka, but henceforth "R") is out of the country for her birthday cruise to Bermuda that her amazing beau "J" got her as a gift (I know ladies, but sorry you'll need to find your own, ;p). They left last Friday afternoon and as I am now obsessed with these random diaries for my friends when they are away, I almost couldn't wait to make one for her too, so here goes ;p

Day 1: Jolt
I woke up at 5:45 am to my hubby kissing my forehead before leaving for Florida. I dragged my behind around moping and getting ready for my workday. As I was starting my car to head to work about an hour later... BOOM! It hit me hard that R's leaving today, gaaaaah! LOL. Happiness, sadness, angst, excitement (in that order) coursed through me like electricity and then I was fine. I stalked Facebook (his & hers) to see if they'd posted anything yet and was rewarded by an "all aboard" pic of R on the cruise ship. Thanks for being on point as always J!!! Happy Sails!

Day 2: Excitement

I get home after another day of dealing with the annoying and rude coworker and am draiiined. I'm pretty stoked by now imagining my girl's trip is going great. I know they were worried about the weather, but I'm sending positive sunshine vibes to them, so hopefully they reach :D

Day 3: Impatience

COME BAAAACK! LOL, ok I'm fine. I hate waiting for holiday / vacation photos, I'm terrible at that, ha! I know I have to wait until Friday (or so) when they get back to see the amazingness but I... HATE... WAITIIIING! lol. Ok, seriously though... I'm fine ;-p

Day 4: Wishes

Happy Birthday!!! I think I wrote something silly on her wall about having the same birthday as Harry Potter, and had to throw in a "23" for J, he appreciates that, :). It's strange not to be able to talk to her on her bday, I don't think that's happened since we met... I don't think we've been this far apart on her birthday either actually, haha! Well, it's all worth it to be cruising the seas and not dealing with maniacs at the her job ;p

Day 5: Sad

I'm getting sick and it literally blows! Boo... I hope you're having great weather! It was rainy and gray yuckiness out there earlier but it eased up later on. I had to leave work, was getting sick so I'm leaving work. MISS YOUUU!

Day 6: Recovery

I feel slightly better than yesterday. I think my body secretly makes itself sick b/c it can't stand the thought of not also being on an amazing vacation somewhere... little jealous bunny! Don't ask, I'm not myself right now, lol. I thought about going to do my nails before heading to Fla but I don't think I can make time. I'll sadly have to disappoint the laughing Asian girl who did my nails last time. She was looking forward to it, aww!

I do get to hang out with the girls at Nobs' place tho. Movie and drinks and wishing her sister happy trails (she's moving to Florida, the good side). You'll be missed... the last time I was there, you were telling us that R & J were now officially "R & J". Amazing, right? Haha :)

Day 7: Whaaaaaaaa?

This is the day before Rey returns and I spent some of it rushing like a mad woman to get stuff ready for my own trip to Orlando. Yep, once again, I'm packing until the wee hours in the morning instead of being prepared like I should have been days ago... blah! My only comfort is that I know J will have some pics posted from his phone... maybe exactly 23 of them, hahaha! Ok, I won't push it, but really... at least a couple of pics... 23 minutes apart! BOOM! I'll need something to do, or look at when I get to the airport about 2 hours early, but I'll survive. I'll have my laptop, my NOOK, a book (in case the electronics fail me), and of course my phone.


Yayyyy, R & J are back! (at least I think they are almost here). As always, I knew I could count on J not to disappoint and send a picture; He actually sent two, both of which somehow feed into our madness about the number 23, hahaha! Gotta love!
I'm getting ready for the airport and crap so I will see them when I return Sunday night (seems too far!). In the mean time R, enjoy this mini-diary dedicated especially to you ;). Muuuuuuuuuuuah!

July 25, 2012

Hair-y Situations

(photo from nappstar website)

So I spent a good portion of lunch break today browsing my beautiful cousins' website (NappStar) and their Facebook page checking out their progress. So proud of you girls!!! I hope someday I get a chance to stop in for a treatment and maybe a mini photo shoot? haha! They look like they're having such a blast out there. They have a salon in Maryland and opened up another one in New York City, so go check them out if you wanna be fieeeeerce :)

Speaking of hair... I read an article today in Newsweek (I know, I'm still in shock!) about the Keratin Treatment. If you didn't already know this about me, I have been fighting with my hair on a daily basis for several years now. What to put in it, what to use on it, what not to add to it, what not to do, the list is endless and unforgiving! The hair has actually been winning in the last couple of years, but if I believe what I just read in that article, this girl could be taking the gold soon... 

My cousin CC told my sisters and I quite a while ago about the wonders of the Keratin treatment. I believed it then, but I sadly have never been able to afford it. I mean, if I had 350 macaroons to drop at once anywhere, it would be at NY & Company or H&M, right ladies? Haha, but back to the business at hand. I thought of trying it as soon as I was able and as time passed (and I still wasn't), I have come to the sad conclusion that I need to do something drastic... like maybe go natural.

Two of my sisters did already (or is it 3 now?!?!), and I think they're happy with their hair. Two of them get braids often and every time they take them out, their hair is longer. I can't remember the last time I had my hair braided and I can't even imagine trying to do that with the blistering heat we're currently experiencing here. Still, I have NO idea what to do. 

Another article I read (yes... I'm on a roll!) said that I could progressively go natural by letting the hair grow, stop relaxing it, and every other week, trim the split ends until all the relaxed hair is gone. The problem with that is, how the heck do I style it in the mean time??? If I keep pulling them into ponytails, they break; if I don't, they break. I should put some product in it, but there is WAY too much out there so what to do, what to doooo??? The second suggestion is the shave everything and wait... riiiiight! That's gonna happen, LOL! I think I'm losing hair just stressing about not losing hair. WTH!!!

July 23, 2012

Mini Reunions

Lately, my friends from Lycée Guebre-Mariam (junior high & high school) have been having mini reunions on Sundays. We used a video chat on Qivala, and it's so much fun! I am not sure how many of us can populate the cyber-waves on that thing at the same time, but it would be nice to find out, haha!

RZ also created the site so that we'd all have a place to keep in touch specifically with other alumni from that school, and see where our bond would take us. It's grown into its own culture and is actually pretty amazing! I don't think we'll ever tire of reminiscing, commemorating, remembering the amazingly crazy years we spent at LGM... I hope I get a chance to go back and see what it's like today; if anything changed. It probably still looks exactly the same, and the new rugrats are causing as much trouble as we used to, ha!

Like Qivala on Facebook!!

July 20, 2012

The Betty Diaries

This blog is less involved than its predecessor The Veronica Diaries from May, but it shares stories that I believe I will tell generations to come, who certainly will not believe me either...

Day 1

Here we go again...

Man is back at it... Woman 2 returned to work after a 2 week vacation and don't you know, Nutso starts asking her questions as she walks in the office. And I don't mean "how was your vaca?" types of questions either. He's asking her what to do about a new hire who just started and didn't have something or other in his passport. He's explaining that there were changes made since she left, how many people were in orientation, what he collected, what he was working on, bla-di-blaaah! BOO!

I mean, SERIOUSLY??? Can't the woman sit down first? Can she set her purse down? Can't she log into her freaking computer for pete's sake??????? She walked in at 8:50 and at 9:14, she STILL hadn't been able to get away.

Veronica tried to get her an out by saying "Sit down, you just got back! You can get to that after you've logged in... jeez!", but that did NOT deter him. I meaaaaaaaaaan, WOW! That's all I can say on the matter

Day 2

Man and Woman 1 spent about 15 minutes discussing the differences between a cow and an ox.

NOTE: This is an approximation as my eyes were twitching and my ears were bleeding, which distracted somewhat from the actual words. Still, you'll get the gist of it.

Man: "Oh, so the one with the spots?
Woman: No, that's a cow. I am talking about an ox.
M: Oooooh? Ox??
Woman: Yes, with the horns?
M: That's a buuuuull???????
W: Nooo, an ox! You've never seen an ox?

*woman puts hands up with the index finger pointing up against her temples and proceeds to make weird "moo" sounds while bending at the waist to simulate the animal.*

Heavy sigh.

Days 3, 4 & 5

Either not much happened there, I was daydreaming the entire time, or I simply blocked it out. There were meetings, which probably went w/o a hitch, and some training sessions I attended. The rest of it was fairly quiet. I'll be so glad to have you back on Monday, Betty!

July 9, 2012

Happy 1 Year to Me!

It's my 1st Year Wedding Anniversary todayyyyyyyyy! Yeah Baby! We survived our first year as a married couple, which I'm told is the hardest year, and I think if it's possible, I am even more in love than I was on the first day... (nuff sappiness!).

We had a mellow candlelit dinner (if I had bothered to actually light the candles.. blaaah). He made dinner, I poured the wine, haha! Anywhoozeeeee.. we're shooting for some amazing years ahead. Voila! That was all that mattered today :)

July 6, 2012

Oh Passport, Where Art Thou?

So I've been waiting for my new passport for a little while now and the process brings two words to mind: NO.FUN. I keep checking the site with my receipt number, hoping that it will read "your document was mailed on blah blah blah date"... sighhhhhh! It's frustrating! I have plans to travel and get some much needed foreign air, but I guess I will have to wait some more.

On a higher note, it's Friday and FINALLY, I get to chill!!! I'm looking forward to this weekend. Lots of good things happening. My niece is turning 16 (you poor thing, you should have stayed a child... lol), there might be a barbecue in my near future, getting my hair done, and definitely some mini shopping. I know, it's not that exciting, but it is to me. I also see looooong hours sitting uncomfortably, buuut, I'll have to just suck it up and say "BOOYAH it's Friday" as often as necessary ;p

July 3, 2012

Happy 4th!!

two american children celebrating independence day

Tomorrow is Independence Day in the country I call home at the moment, so to all of you out there who read me from this land: Happy 4th of July!

I am not sure if there will be any plans made, but as long as they involve some cold drinks, good food and lots of laughs, I think I will enjoy it. I will certainly enjoy leaving work early to enjoy the rest of my Sunny day (if indeed it remains that way). For tonight at least, I'm hanging out with my homegirllllz, relaxing and not thinking about work OR school!

Be safe everyone!

June 30, 2012

Indépendence Cha-cha

Although I recognize and appreciate Independence Day in the U.S. where I live, I have to celebrate my own first. Well, I don't usually, but for once, I have decided to be slightly patriotic and rep my peeps... D.R.C. Baby! Today is the day and though I am probably not going to be celebrating it, I wanted to mention it.

My hubby will probably take out the giant flag my mom brought him last summer. I'm guessing he'll place it somewhere random in the house, but in retrospect, it is nice to show a bit of patriotism =) Here's to us hopefully moving in the right direction someday soon, and getting our country back to her glory days. Lots of hope there, but I chose to be more positive about it this year. Boom!