
July 20, 2012

The Betty Diaries

This blog is less involved than its predecessor The Veronica Diaries from May, but it shares stories that I believe I will tell generations to come, who certainly will not believe me either...

Day 1

Here we go again...

Man is back at it... Woman 2 returned to work after a 2 week vacation and don't you know, Nutso starts asking her questions as she walks in the office. And I don't mean "how was your vaca?" types of questions either. He's asking her what to do about a new hire who just started and didn't have something or other in his passport. He's explaining that there were changes made since she left, how many people were in orientation, what he collected, what he was working on, bla-di-blaaah! BOO!

I mean, SERIOUSLY??? Can't the woman sit down first? Can she set her purse down? Can't she log into her freaking computer for pete's sake??????? She walked in at 8:50 and at 9:14, she STILL hadn't been able to get away.

Veronica tried to get her an out by saying "Sit down, you just got back! You can get to that after you've logged in... jeez!", but that did NOT deter him. I meaaaaaaaaaan, WOW! That's all I can say on the matter

Day 2

Man and Woman 1 spent about 15 minutes discussing the differences between a cow and an ox.

NOTE: This is an approximation as my eyes were twitching and my ears were bleeding, which distracted somewhat from the actual words. Still, you'll get the gist of it.

Man: "Oh, so the one with the spots?
Woman: No, that's a cow. I am talking about an ox.
M: Oooooh? Ox??
Woman: Yes, with the horns?
M: That's a buuuuull???????
W: Nooo, an ox! You've never seen an ox?

*woman puts hands up with the index finger pointing up against her temples and proceeds to make weird "moo" sounds while bending at the waist to simulate the animal.*

Heavy sigh.

Days 3, 4 & 5

Either not much happened there, I was daydreaming the entire time, or I simply blocked it out. There were meetings, which probably went w/o a hitch, and some training sessions I attended. The rest of it was fairly quiet. I'll be so glad to have you back on Monday, Betty!

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