My home girl RB (aka Ré, aka Noushka, but henceforth "R") is out of the country for her birthday cruise to Bermuda that her amazing beau "J" got her as a gift (I know ladies, but sorry you'll need to find your own, ;p). They left last Friday afternoon and as I am now obsessed with these random diaries for my friends when they are away, I almost couldn't wait to make one for her too, so here goes ;p
Day 1: Jolt
Day 2: Excitement
Day 3: Impatience
COME BAAAACK! LOL, ok I'm fine. I hate waiting for holiday / vacation photos, I'm terrible at that, ha! I know I have to wait until Friday (or so) when they get back to see the amazingness but I... HATE... WAITIIIING! lol. Ok, seriously though... I'm fine ;-p
Day 4: Wishes
Happy Birthday!!! I think I wrote something silly on her wall about having the same birthday as Harry Potter, and had to throw in a "23" for J, he appreciates that, :). It's strange not to be able to talk to her on her bday, I don't think that's happened since we met... I don't think we've been this far apart on her birthday either actually, haha! Well, it's all worth it to be cruising the seas and not dealing with maniacs at the her job ;p
Day 5: Sad
Day 6: Recovery
I feel slightly better than yesterday. I think my body secretly makes itself sick b/c it can't stand the thought of not also being on an amazing vacation somewhere... little jealous bunny! Don't ask, I'm not myself right now, lol. I thought about going to do my nails before heading to Fla but I don't think I can make time. I'll sadly have to disappoint the laughing Asian girl who did my nails last time. She was looking forward to it, aww!
I do get to hang out with the girls at Nobs' place tho. Movie and drinks and wishing her sister happy trails (she's moving to Florida, the good side). You'll be missed... the last time I was there, you were telling us that R & J were now officially "R & J". Amazing, right? Haha :)
Day 7: Whaaaaaaaa?
This is the day before Rey returns and I spent some of it rushing like a mad woman to get stuff ready for my own trip to Orlando. Yep, once again, I'm packing until the wee hours in the morning instead of being prepared like I should have been days ago... blah! My only comfort is that I know J will have some pics posted from his phone... maybe exactly 23 of them, hahaha! Ok, I won't push it, but really... at least a couple of pics... 23 minutes apart! BOOM! I'll need something to do, or look at when I get to the airport about 2 hours early, but I'll survive. I'll have my laptop, my NOOK, a book (in case the electronics fail me), and of course my phone.
Yayyyy, R & J are back! (at least I think they are almost here). As always, I knew I could count on J not to disappoint and send a picture; He actually sent two, both of which somehow feed into our madness about the number 23, hahaha! Gotta love!

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