
December 10, 2012

Art Work

I'm donnnnnnne!!!

I finally time off from school for an entire month! No freaking out, no walking around like a zombie, no sleepless nights or achy wrists from too much computer interaction, I'M ALIIIIIVE!

I have to say, it was a lot of work this session but I learned so much! For the first time (I think), I will share my art blog so you can check it out if you feel so inclined, but this is my favorite piece from this session =)


HOW COOL IS THAT??? Yes, I drew this myself (well, traced and then filled in) but all the same, I'd never used that program for something like this before. I've been deprived... In the past, I'd always drawn or rendered with my hands, never on the computer but this was SO much fun! I can't wait to find out more about how to use Illustrator and get even better at all this. I had a blast even though I was mostly stressed by deadlines, haha!

Now I'll have to find something to do with all that free time...maybe start watching new shows? We'll see!


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