
October 23, 2012

In Need of Strength & Speed

I've been wishing I were Wonder Woman (minus the spinning in place) this week because of everything that I have to do. I have two days (technically, tonight and tomorrow night) to finish a ton of house and homework before my trip to Turkey on Thursday (YAY!). Yes, indeed my minions! I got my visa and plane ticket last week and have been dazzled ever since. I don't think my body has caught up to my mind yet so it's moving in very slow motion, which is very bad for business...

I have tried making lists of things to do to force myself to work them down, one item at a time. For whatever reason, it doesn't work. I can't stay focused and I can't stay on task. I don't know why that is, or if it will every change, but in the meantime I do what I can. So I tallied everything up and man, are there a lot of things on this list!!!!!

First order of business

I'm not really sure what to bring but i figure we will do some tourism so jeans, sneakers, sweaters in case it's colder than my mom said (ha ha), and maybe a few going out outfits. I have to tag my sister to see what the weather is now at the beach where she lives. I think it may still be pretty warm over there, but the last time we talked she said it was in the 27C (80F) and about 19-20C at night and early in the morning (mid 60F). The rest will fall into place once I pack. At least I'll know what's missing and can go from there :)


I don't even know everything I have to do for school. My goal was to do as much stuff in advance as I could so that I could enjoy my vacation and not have to actually study while I'm away. I thought I would do the work and save it on my laptop, and the submit it when it was due, buuuut I yet have to complete stuff from last week before starting on this week. Helloooo F.R.U.S.T.R.A.T.I.O.N.!!! So far I count:

- week 2 project: brochure
- week 2 project: HTML codes
- week 3 project: web page design
- watch live chat week 2: 2 hours
- watch live chat week 3: 2 hours

- week 4 project: design packet
- week 4 project: CSS File for web page
- week 4 discussion 1
- week 4 discussion 2

I want to get all that done in two days... Ya... that's enough to give anyone a headache! We'll see how far I get, but at least I've got everything written down now. I called my teacher for the web page stuff and she said she explained everything in the live chat videos, so I will have to watch those first; maybe while I pack? we'll see how it plays.

Two more days of being frantic, then I can relax and pass out on my 8 hour flight to Istanbul! I may not post until I've arrived there, so tootles and see you when I return people :)

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