
November 15, 2011


I'm starting to seriously wonder if I can read people as well as I thought... My boss, whom I had accepted as an over the top buddy, has started acting more like a boss lately. Hmmm...He is also all-caring about my feelings at work all of a sudden, asking how my days are going and if I'm still happy here. Weird... nice, but weird.

Yesterday, he said he wanted me to help him interview candidates for a position open in our department. Seriously? I've never been on the other side of an interview room before. I wonder what that will be like and if I'll let all that power go to my head? I can't actually believe he is considering this... that he's going to let me do this! Don't get me wrong, I'm psyched but half the time, he acts like I don't belong in the Security department because I'm a receptionist, even though I have access to all security files and that my title actually INCLUDES "security", but whatever. He usually spends half the time explaining to people why I'm not "really" security and mostly fall under the HR umbrella, then turns around and says to me "Of course, you're security. What do you mean?". The other half, he spends acting like he's ready to fire me... I guess things are about to change around here.

I should be happy. I did ask for more responsibility (what was I thinking?) and more things to do within the department (whyyy???). So, now he constantly calls to get my opinion on things and tries to "help" me do my job. Sighhh! I should have left it alone and coasted through like everyone else does around here. On the bright side, I don't have to do anything in a rush. Most of those projects will take months, so I can take my time and do a little bit everyday. So friend or foe? You never know which side of the coin you'll get. I still think I'll watch my step.

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