
November 23, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving is always a bitter sweet time of year for me because I celebrate my birthday in the same week. It should be a culmination of happy events, right? WRONG! I hate sharing my birthday with anything, or anyone else in the world... If you know nothing about me, remember this: I LOVE MY BIRTHDAY! I was raised abroad, so when I relocated to the states in my mid-teens, it was a blow to have no one available to celebrate it with me because they were all traveling home for Thanksgiving weekend. Say what? You're not going to be in town? WTH??? Who is this turkey and what does he have that I don't? Sigh... I thought I'd get over it eventually... still waiting for that to kick in.

I don't exactly know when I turned into this psycho birthday-infatuated fruitcake, but at some point I realized I really enjoyed celebrating it and enjoying feeling wiser and older... well, mostly older :p. Most women don't, and they don't even acknowledge time passing and are 28 every year, but I don't mind the changes that come with age. The random aches and pains that come out of nowhere, taste buds changing, eardrums getting sensitive... all of which I think I am WAY too young to experience but what the hey... if you haven't lived, what's the point right? At least it finally gives me a reason to tell someone else the dreaded sentence my mom used to tell me "when I was your age..." HA! who's the smarty-pants now???

We're supposed to spend this Thanksgiving with family friends in Boston but it's our first one as a married couple. Yikes, I'm MARRIED! It still shocks me to hear it, say it, write it. I'm thinking we should have our own little one at home but who knows if I can muster the strength to cook all of that?!?! Oh, well. I mentally wish a very Happy Thanksgiving to everyone I love & like in this world but if you forget my birthday this year, I will hunt you down and slash your tires =D

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