
March 23, 2012

Happy Birthday Mini-Me!!!

It's my other younger sister's birthday today and I haven't talked to her yet. It's soooo unfair! Well, anyway the image above is fitting b/c she looks so much like me and refuses to give me back my face... Happy Birthday Beautiful! We are too far apart and the madness cannot properly grow without being watered soooo MOVE NORTH! ;p

It's so strange when your younger siblings get older. With two of mine with their birthdays only a few days apart, I always picture a random distant memory whenever their day arrives. With MK, I always picture watching her haul suitcases out of the car when she came to live with us. I was so happy to finally get to meet her, hear all about her life, and laugh out loud. I remember thinking I wished I'd had the opportunity sooner and wishing she would like me. Silly girl, of course she likes me, I'm so likable =D.

Today I think of Slice's 3rd birthday when mom asked me to bring the talking doll I picked out as her present out of the room and give it to her to unwrap. She was so little and all I ever wanted to do was hold her and hide her in my coat so nothing would harm her. She can't fit in my coat anymore, but I still get that feeling that she should be... sighhh! Growing up stinks sometimes, but memories are everything. I love you my girlies and miss you both terribly! Ok, no more sappiness, promise...

wait... just one more cutesy photo ;p


  1. hahaha you are oh so very likeable! How can anyone not like your awesomeness?

    1. I know right?? They must be insane ;p
      Miss you pumpkin!

  2. awww! Miss you too!!!!!
