
January 20, 2012


What a week... It's been exhausting all around. I have probably had 3 to 4 hours of sleep on average every night, and have had zero time to do what I actually wanted to do... but now I get another shot because the weekend is back. Yay!

Believe it or not, but I am still waiting on an answer regarding my application to HR. It may come today, it may come Monday, it may never come. I think what frustrates me the most is repeating myself to everyone who keeps asking "So? Have you heard?"... sigh. I just want to know so I don't have to wonder anymore. The anticipation is killing me!

As I like to enjoy my Fridays to the max, this one started on the right foot. I finished a great audio book and was ready for the new story I added to my iPod last night (yes, I'm a 90-yr old in disguise and I listen to audio books on my way to and from work... Sue me!). I was so excited to start "reading" the next Eve Dallas on my list: Survivor In Death (this series is like a drug, I tell you!). Sadly for me, the book started somewhere that was definitely NOT the beginning. I frowned, paused and waited for a red light to check my iPod and sure enough, I downloaded the entire book but somehow omitted the first 10-12 tracks of disc 1. Ugh, what a doofus!!!

I'm thinking this will seriously mess with my Friday morning routine. Already, I couldn't get my Dunkin Caramel Swirl coffee (OR my Big N' Toasty...) b/c of the ridiculous lines of slow-moving cars. Now, I don't have my daily distraction from traffic. No comedic remarks from Roarke, snide comments from Eve, McNabb's flashy outfits or She-body's smart mouth. How will I survive????????? What am I supposed to do for the ride home?

I had to collect myself and figure something else out and I couldn't reach for my CD case way in the back seat. Thanks to technology, I am able to plug my phone to the USB port in my car and listen to whatever music I have stored in there. So I did and PSquare kept me company the whole way... very loudly.

In Re: the evening ride, I decided to download a free sample of aforementioned book into my Nook so I can read up until the part where the audio starts. Yes, I am a genius and my Friday can be happy again :) Mission Accomplished!

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