
January 6, 2012


It is FREEZING today! Once again, I am going to be wearing my coat and scarf for the better part of the morning. It is actually warmer than normal for this time of year in the Boston area, but since Winter hadn't shown up in time, we all chose to ignore the fact that it existed and accepted that we would spend the next few months in a fall-like climate. WRONG! It doesn't help that the lobby is a huge open space with a giant glass wall.

It also never helps that the front entrance is constantly used by people who insist on telling me how cold it is outside. Uuummmm,  Hellooo??? Do you not see me bundled up over here shivering??? I especially do not appreciate morning perkiness... It is not even 7AM yet lady, CALM DOWN! Sigh...

I may just be cranky from coming back to work after two blissful weeks of sleeping in and basking under the Texas sun. Or from finding snow on my car this morning. Normally, I would be thrilled because I love snow (except when I have to shovel it), but not this time. There wasn't a lot of it, maybe not even an inch, but still... snow. It was very powdery so not a problem in itself other than it emphasized the real start of winter :(. I should be grateful that it wasn't a mountain of snow instead because I would definitely have been late to work if it had been.

Coming back from vacation is hard. Very hard. Coming back from vacation to 50 degrees less than where you were is just plain wrong! What has my life come to?!?! Why aren't I on an isolated beach somewhere in the South Pacific? Why is my coffee already cold? How fast will today go? When can I get back to bed???
Where are my favorite beach photos? I need to feel warmer...

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