
January 17, 2012

Bummed Out!

(I love this picture!)

Since my last post (which was pretty hilarious if I should say so myself...), I haven't had much time to enjoy anything. I hate to say this, but I have been pretty bummed out and in a somber mood. It may have something to do with the fact that I discovered a few more backstabbers at work, but maybe not. Or maybe, it has everything to do with that! Whatever happened to goofing around? cracking jokes? I put up with all sorts of inappropriate crap from some of them, how is it that when I say something in the spirit of laughter, my head gets bitten off? Oh well... they asked for it. No more friendliness here, not with them. Strictly bidness from now on~! MUUU-HA-HA-HA-HA! (evil laugh)

On a sadder note, I have been mourning my uncle for the past couple of weeks and we're coming up on the 1st anniversary of one my closest friends' death. It's a sour time for me so I've been a little down and unlike my usual perky self. Some people think that my life revolves around them though, so they act all offended when I don't want to banter back and forth about stupid things like Olivia Wilde's body (why in the world?!?!), or some stupid movie they saw, or stupider TV Show they watch. I'm being called "moody" behind my back. Nice.

Dear self-absorbed people,

Sorry that my mourning has infringed on your daily activities, darkened my eyes to the constant spotlight glowing on your face, and made it impossible for me to laugh at your racist and feminist jokes lately. I should be back on track in the next few weeks however, so do try to resist the urge to stop by my desk for cajoling and sympathy. I am fresh out of those.

Thank you so much!



Just as I was thinking on my drive in that I'd had (and am about to have another) rough week, I looked over at my calendar and saw the date. Whaaaaaaaaaa??? TUESDAY? How can it only be Tuesday? I am having the hardest time accepting that! It snowed, so the roads were horrible and the entire time I was driving in, I was telling myself "only a couple more days of this crap then I can sleep for three days straight"...Ha! Looks like that's a NEGATIVE. Over and out.

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