
December 7, 2011

Personal Bubble

I came to work on Monday to find a bunch of stuff moved from my desk and other random things missing. I just have to say this.Why do people insist on moving things that do not belong to them? I mean, seriously... what's so hard to understand about this being MY desk? My business cards are here, all my stuff is here, you cover ME so why in the world would you think it would be okay to grab random things from my desk without asking and take them to some undisclosed locations? Where are my scissors? my extra roll of tape? my steno pad? my blue pens??? Why are things I put on one side always somewhere else when I come back to work the next day? Really, people! Get with the program. Stay out of my desk drawer and don't touch my stuff!!!!

On another - not so happy - note, someone thinks it's normal to talk to me every morning right in my face. I can't get away, there is nowhere to go because it happens while I'm sitting down and there is no way for me to avoid it. She's one of those who gets way too close to talk to people; even people she just met. I know you know who I'm talking about... It's the same thing everyday. I have resorted to pretending to look for something in a drawer further away behind me. Since she can't climb on the desk to talk to me, it's the safest distance. Ugh... what's the matter with people???

Finally, (because the week couldn't possibly get any better from there), I hate doctors who smile at you while telling you that they have no freaking clue what's wrong with you. After spending four hours at the ER Tuesday morning, and dealing with needles and random tests of my kidneys, lungs, gallbladder and whatever the heck else is in there, I am told everything is fine BUT "take these antibiotics just in case"... In case what???. I hate hospitals, I hate the ER, I hate hating things. Thank God for my adorable hubby though, he really keeps me from losing my mind in this world! Love you babe!

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