
April 16, 2012

All kinds of stuff

Today's not going to be such a good day, well it may be okay, but not good. My two partners in crime at work are out for Boston Marathon and I now wish I had thought to be out. Not like I was going to run or anything, but I could have used the time to relax or spend w/ my hubby... sighhh! I'll just have to put up with the ridiculousness on my own at work. Maybe if I get lucky, it will be so busy that no one will have time to loudly chat about their son's rash or their daughter's constipation.... really people? keep that ish to yourselves!!!

Well, a few things happened since I last posted. I found out on the day I returned to work about changes in my department, which I think will make a world of difference (in a good way). I have a new boss, and I have worked with her a little in the past. She's a no-nonsense kinda gal, and that's just what we need! Some people in our team will have to start their ass-kissing acts all over again... They've started to, or at least tried, but I don't think new boss is falling for it, HA!

Also, there were tons of coupons in the mail from Delia*s, Alloy, New York & Company and Target sooo, yes I went shopping for summer clothes over the last couple of weeks. Mostly for summer work clothes though, because I didn't have any, and there still aren't enough shirts in my closet somehow. I wonder if I am unconsciously competing with hubby's 30 hanging shirts in our closet ...

Third, I read the Hunger Games! FINALLY!!! I really enjoyed the book. I had already watched the movie with some friends the weekend I got back from Florida, but it was nice to get the details. It was especially nice to see how well they cast the movie, in terms of "likeness". I mean, Effie, is EXACTLY how she's described in the book! I started Catching fire, but really only got a few paragraphs in because I had to finish my group project for school.

Speaking of school... I am changing majors again (I know). I couldn't deal with Business Admin so, the only thing I could switch to that lit a spark was Illustration. I think it will be good. I'm excited about it. It all starts next Monday, so fingers crossed, this will be my last change! I just missed art too much and couldn't wrap my head around management, marketing, accounting, and all that stuff. I tried, and got good grades, but it really didn't do anything for me. I just can't see myself doing that for the rest of my life. I need something more... colorful. :)

Let's see... what else?!?!?! Hmmmm yeah, we're looking at houses. Well, not literally yet, but just browsing the net for types, acreage, floor plans, etc... just to get an idea of what would suit us so when it's really time to hunt, we'll know what we want.

My replacement for the front desk receptionist has been filled and the new girl starts today. I hope she survives that desk longer than I did, but who am I kidding, she'll figure out soon enough that it's just a step stool and she'll move on up if she has any brains at all ;p. We'll see tho, she seems nice enough.


  1. good luck on your new major!! I know exactly what you mean about the no spark... studying something you don't care for is a waste of time, money & energy.

  2. definitely wasted a lot of mula and engergy... as for time, people keep saying I have plenty of it, but I remember everyone we knew who's gone too soon, and I'm not so certain of that. I don't want to waste any more of it.
