
October 23, 2012

In Need of Strength & Speed

I've been wishing I were Wonder Woman (minus the spinning in place) this week because of everything that I have to do. I have two days (technically, tonight and tomorrow night) to finish a ton of house and homework before my trip to Turkey on Thursday (YAY!). Yes, indeed my minions! I got my visa and plane ticket last week and have been dazzled ever since. I don't think my body has caught up to my mind yet so it's moving in very slow motion, which is very bad for business...

I have tried making lists of things to do to force myself to work them down, one item at a time. For whatever reason, it doesn't work. I can't stay focused and I can't stay on task. I don't know why that is, or if it will every change, but in the meantime I do what I can. So I tallied everything up and man, are there a lot of things on this list!!!!!

First order of business

I'm not really sure what to bring but i figure we will do some tourism so jeans, sneakers, sweaters in case it's colder than my mom said (ha ha), and maybe a few going out outfits. I have to tag my sister to see what the weather is now at the beach where she lives. I think it may still be pretty warm over there, but the last time we talked she said it was in the 27C (80F) and about 19-20C at night and early in the morning (mid 60F). The rest will fall into place once I pack. At least I'll know what's missing and can go from there :)


I don't even know everything I have to do for school. My goal was to do as much stuff in advance as I could so that I could enjoy my vacation and not have to actually study while I'm away. I thought I would do the work and save it on my laptop, and the submit it when it was due, buuuut I yet have to complete stuff from last week before starting on this week. Helloooo F.R.U.S.T.R.A.T.I.O.N.!!! So far I count:

- week 2 project: brochure
- week 2 project: HTML codes
- week 3 project: web page design
- watch live chat week 2: 2 hours
- watch live chat week 3: 2 hours

- week 4 project: design packet
- week 4 project: CSS File for web page
- week 4 discussion 1
- week 4 discussion 2

I want to get all that done in two days... Ya... that's enough to give anyone a headache! We'll see how far I get, but at least I've got everything written down now. I called my teacher for the web page stuff and she said she explained everything in the live chat videos, so I will have to watch those first; maybe while I pack? we'll see how it plays.

Two more days of being frantic, then I can relax and pass out on my 8 hour flight to Istanbul! I may not post until I've arrived there, so tootles and see you when I return people :)

October 3, 2012


A lot happened since the last time I posted. I took last Thursday off because my hubby had to have surgery. He's been at home recovering for the past few days and doing okay, not in too much pain. I'm constantly asking if he needs anything or trying to do things for him, which I don't think he likes very much because he hates not being able to do things for himself. I think he may even be a little annoyed with me for forcing him to sit tight and do nothing, haha! He hates being idle. Sorry boo!

I also took Monday off just to get my brain back in order and stuff together before the new school session. Sadly, I didn't get much done. Well, I did do stuff around the house. I ironed about 7 load of laundry but haven't put everything away yet. That will be for some night this week (yay, fun).

I also started getting papers ready for my vacation trip to Turkey (YAYYY!), but haven't heard back yet from the Consulate. I need to get an appointment to apply for a visa and stuff, then I can get my ticket and start planning what the heck I'm gonna wear! Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!

The new receptionist at work is hilarious! I don't remember if I mentioned her before, but anyway, I got her completely hooked on my In Death series. I know, I'm insane... and, you're welcome. Hahaha! We hang out mostly at lunch on days I come to work early because I'm practically starving by the time 10 o'clock arrives. I reverted back to the same hours I worked when I was at the lobby for 3 days out of the week, so it made sense to join my old gang for lunch on those days. We definitely have reading in common as well as not taking crap from people and being allergic to bullshit so naturally, we get along =p. I think she started reading the series a month ago and is flying through these books like a true J.D. Addict. I'm so proud :)

I think I'm going to spend a little bit of time reading or watching something lighthearted tonight and relax. I'll leave the political debates to my hubby :)

Until next time...