
June 11, 2012


Our 4th Game Night was a mad success and had the most amount of people it's ever had. I believe there were 18 of us total, but at one point there were 20 people in our tiny townhouse! It was loads of fun tho, but seriously, I'm getting too old to drink that much, blaaaaah. I was knocked out most of Sunday, even though I was wide awake from 10 am, I was not functioning. I don't know why my hangovers keep changing, but spacing out, is definitely not a fun one. Oh, and all my muscles and bones hurt as if I'd been in a fight! gaaaah... lol.

I spent the entire day on the couch, staring at my computer and books and homework, then finally snapped out of it around 8pm and did whatever assignments I could, and then went to bed at 1am.

Getting to work this morning was still rough, and it was difficult to stay awake at times, but I managed to get quite a bit of work done. The day went pretty fast actually, because I never noticed lunch time arriving, and I was busy most of the day after that. Now I'm just enjoying a short break before getting back to it. Before I even had a chance to stare at the clock and say "why aren't you moving, you impertinent clock?", it was almost time to go home :)

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