
October 10, 2016

Stall Talk

There is girl in my building at work, on my floor who spends considerable amounts of time on her cell phone in the hall... and in bathroom stalls.

The Stall-ker (get it?) seems like a nice enough girl. She always smiles at you when she passes you in the hall, on the elevator, or on your way in or out of the building. She waves when she drives past you in the parking garage, and on occasion, when you run into each other on a minor walk around the building during break. Nothing wrong with any of that.

Why then am I dedicating this long overdue post to her, you wonder? Well, because The Stall-ker takes her very long, very loud conversations, to the bathroom with her... on speaker!

*insert face-palm here.

But wait... there's more! The Stall-ker always uses the middle stall in a tiny bathroom with only 3 stalls. Seriously? Why? Just why??? Who does that? Where is your stall etiquette?

Image result for bathroom stall etiquette

Image result for bathroom stall etiquette

For you boys out there, I found an image that will help you understand my outrage a bit more.

Today, however, I had the ultimate shock of my life. I find out that The Stall-ker is a lawyer.
A freaking lawyer!
A Law-freaking-yer!!!!

That's all.

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