
July 2, 2015

I Hear You...

I have been asking for some clarification about my role at work. I was hired for one thing, but because yours truly is soooo skilled and capable (ha!), they immediately started giving me completely different tasks which are now over 80% of my responsibilities. I like the new tasks - Love them - because they are things that I actually went to school for, that I have always wanted to wake up everyday to go do, and get paid for. Except, I'm not... getting paid for them.

I had a big problem with this when I first started working here, because it felt like I was being take advantage of. Then, not so much because I'd calmed down and accepted it as an opportunity to wow everyone with my skills and make it impossible for them not to promote me into that role permanently. I was perfectly happy with working my first full year that way because those tasks were only required of me once in a while. "This is not an every day thing, but once it becomes busier and there are more needs for those tasks to be completed, we can certainly move you into this role permanently, and back fill your other tasks".

So, as the reasonable human being that I am, I said OK. Until they came back at me last week with "this is going to be more prominent in the upcoming weeks. In fact, let's make 3 out of 5 of your goals for this quarter all about these tasks. But let's not change your role or anything. Noooooo... Let's stick to this until you crack.

So, imagine my surprise when the context changed over the supposed transition into the other department. Wouldn't you have asked? I did. And the answer from my boss was: "I hear you".

That's it.

You hear me??? Really? I mean there was no conversation about it. Not even a small edit to slide me into the department to explain why I am doing all this extra work for this department but somehow am still not part of it? Or why now on top of all of that, I have even more responsibilities in the team in question?

I know you're thinking: "Hmmmm!".

Yeah, me too.

So today, her boss was in the office and I - of course - asked him directly (oh, I sure did!). He deferred back to her, she repeated that she "heard me", everyone laughed, but I kept asking. He says we will revisit and we will discuss in depth at my annual review. He feels it makes the most sense to do it then, which is normal and I agree with him.

Only a few months until then so I'll wait and see.

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