
July 10, 2015

Catching Up

Recapping last year's missing months in short bursts.

Found an apartment

Went to Boston for friends graduation and got to see Josh and Elise get ready for their wedding day. Sadly couldn't stay but they looked amazing, both of them!

Friends threw me a surprise mini-baby shower. Amazing of them!

Others friendships ended suddenly. Unsure why and it still stings at times, but eventually I'll catch on and move on.

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Traveled to Maryland for my sister's big 4-0. They threw me a shower too, got to see some great friends! I miss my peeps =/.

Visit from one of my Florida sisters and her hubby for a weekend. Took silly pics, ate a lot, drank a lot (water for me, red wine for her but enough for the both of us =p).

Getting too big to walk, sit, stand, or sleep in pretty much any position.

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Stopped working because I just couldn't anymore. Almost 9 months pregnant by then, big as a whale, with swollen feet the size of cantaloupes - yes, I am exaggerating (more like grapefruit size).

Went to a 4th of July BBQ and danced with my big belly

My mom and sisters came to stay with me for a month and a half to await little peanut's arrival.

I discovered Sherlock (holy Sherlock!), and Orphan Black (my life is now almost complete).

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Peanut is here!!! (now my life is complete!). He is tiny.
I am terrified.
Hubby's birthday was mellow this time around.

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Peanut is still tiny and also long. So long! My mom and sisters all left and it's just the 3 of us now. 2 of us during the day.

I stare at him a lot and I am still terrified.

Amazed, but definitely still terrified.

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I think I am getting the hang of this. Not terrified anymore, just regular scared now. It's a step up :).
Started looking for work everywhere.

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Sister from Atlanta visited with her kids for Thanksgiving.

Interviewed at a cool place with a ping pong table, haha!
First time being away from my baby. Not fun - at all!

Birthday was mellow too.

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Got the job! Really hard having to leave baby at the daycare everyday and I miss him from the time I drop him off to the time I pick him up. I don't know how others do this :'(.

Christmas was great - at the apartment with brother and family. So fun!

In-laws arrived in the nick of time to ring in the New Year and visit their grandson. Mellow New Year's Eve and New Year's Day. Lots of sleeeeep!

This year's update will be in a different post!