
August 24, 2012

And The Beat Goes On & On

I haven't been online too much lately because school has been kicking my butt and keeping me from living... I thought I'd check in and see where my blog stood.  I have to say it's starting to creep me out a little how many views I've gotten since my last check-in back in the Steady As She Grows post in December. I shouldn't be because according to my mini research, it's nothing compared to what heavily visited blogs get; that's maybe the equivalent they get in an hour... still.

Then again, maybe it's all the same few people that constantly check in to see if I've posted anything? Who knows... this is the only breather I get today soooo, off I go again :)


August 10, 2012

Friday Stuff & More

Finally, my hubby returned home yesterday from a 3-week trip to Florida. I wanna put up a brave face, but it was horrible being in a quiet house for that long, ha! Thankfully, some of my chicas stopped by to hang out so that school work wouldn't be my only distraction. Thanks ladies!!

Got our homeboy visiting us for the weekend too and staying up late will be a factor, so I'll be drinking more Dew. Don't judge me.

Finally got one of my friends to read my obsession (In Death), previously mentioned in Once Upon A Book. I think she started but I only gave it to her on Tuesday and she hasn't come knocking asking for the rest of the series yet. My guess is she'll start sometime this weekend or next week, or I'd have heard. Unless (dare I say the un-sayable...) she didn't fall madly in love with it... IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIKKKKKKKK!

I plan to have a fun weekend w/ hubby and friend. Not much going out because I think it's going to be mostly gray and rainy, but definitely some laughs whichever way we can get them :)

Not much else to report other than the bitchy have become bitchiest and think it nudges me one bit. Sour mistake. I cut people out of my life faster and sharper than a Santuko knife, so you may think your childish behavior affects me, but this is the most attention it will ever get.

Because I want to end on a happier note than the aforementioned, I saw the cutest pics of my baby nephew in Belgium today. I can't believe how fast he's growing! I can't wait to meet him, he's the most adorable thing ever!!!

on that note...