
February 7, 2012

A Whole New Joz

First and foremost: HAPPY BIRTHDAY LILH!!! My baby niece turned 4 today and she's just the cutest thing ever! Auntie loves and misses you terriblyyyy! I hope I get to talk to her before the day's out.

I started a new job yesterday and I am so damn proud of myself for lasting through years of reception related abuse... well, not exactly, but to all the receptionists out there, you all know exactly what I mean! So I am now part of HR. Congratulate me! I have barely even scratched the surface and have not had much to do while I wait for all the clearances to be set up, but I already LOVE having a view of my car all day, HA!

Oooooh and speaking of cars, did I mention that I got a BRAND NEW CAR? Actually, it's used but very slightly used! Aaaand I didn't have to put anything down to get my car a year newer and a make higher than what it was. I'm now the proud owner of the car of my dreams for the past year and a half! YAY ME! lol.

February 3, 2012

Once Upon a Book...


Once upon a time in Northern Virginia, a girl sat in a laundromat reading Catherine Coulter's Riptide and waiting for the 4th dryer to finish its cycle. The lady owner interrupted her countless times to chat and she eventually marked her page and chatted back. This paid off. This lady told our girl that before leaving, she should stop by the office and collect a little "present" as a thank you for chatting and lo' and behold it was... a banker's box FULL of books!!!

a few months later...

The girl's younger sister (whom we'll call Slice b/c she took a slice of the girl by stealing her face), wanted a book to read and rummaged through the collection and found Seduction In Death by J.D. Robb. She read it, loved it and after realizing it was part of a series (ant that it wasn't the first book in said series), hunted down the rest of the books and devoured them in a few weeks. Shortly thereafter, she became addicted to this series and their characters, Eve & Roarke. The girl mocked her sister's addiction.

many months later...

After hearing about Eve & Roarke anytime a new book in the In Death series came out, the girl decided to give them a try. She purchased all the books at a discount from and started with book 1: Naked In Death. The girl no longer mocks her sister.


The girl has been catching up with the series and just finished reading Survivor In Death. As she prepares to read the next book Origin, her sister called and they talked for endless minutes about who could play their characters in a movie or TV show... As it stands, the girl has plenty of time to waste while she sits at H&R Block on Tremont Street in Boston waiting for turn and created a tentative line-up of actors she envisions when reading her favorite series. It shall appear in a further post.