
September 26, 2017

All The Precious Things

A lot has happened in the last year but I will skip it for now and go straight to the latest news.

I am so grateful to God for my little angel baby boy, born almost 2 weeks ago. It was a very difficult pregnancy and even more difficult delivery. By His grace, we overcame the complications and are here today.

During the procedure, I was terrified I would not come out of it alive, that I would never see my little boy and not get to see my 3-year-old son ever again. I prayed through the tears, while my husband held my shaking hand. He sang "Praise you in this storm" by Casting Crowns in my ear until I stopped crying and sobbed the song along with him.

After several more minutes, my baby was out, and I could see the nurse carrying him to the room next door to warm and wash him. Just as she opened the door, I heard it finally. The perfect little cry and I could breathe again. They called my husband in. I saw him hold our second son and rock him for a bit. Then they brought him to me and put him by my cheek. He was perfect and perfectly fine. I dosed on and off at that point but I will never forget what it felt like to hear him for the first time and know he was ok. 

I debated a while whether to even share this very personal moment. Some things should remain private. I still have nightmares about the surgery and those scary moments before he was actually born but I needed to share this for myself, and for my family. I hope that my experience can strengthen someone else and help them make it through their personal storm.

Until next time...