
September 11, 2015

Oh Sanity, Where Art Thou?

I can't remember if I posted about this before, but I am writing a book. Actually, I have been writing this book for a while, maybe 3 or 4 years? I guess I should be more diligent about writing often but I basically start and stop when time permits, or when the mood strikes. Can't be the right way to do this at all, but anyway... I digress.

I am thinking it is time I set a schedule to write a little bit every day and stick to it. That hardly ever works for me in general, but I have to start somewhere. It usually calms my nerves to write - I hadn't expected that when I started - and it seems to relax me. I am feeling overly stressed lately, so it is probably the best time to revert back to my writing.

I am not sure if any of what comes out of it will be good or interesting, or if it will all be affected by my mood and sound angry, dark and bitter... Maybe it should? Maybe it's going to be good for me to get the junk that's bugging me out of my mind and on paper. That's better than sharing it on Facebook at least, ha!

I used to write songs in the past when I felt like I have been feeling the past few weeks. I'd sit at my keyboard for hours and play random melodies until something clicked with my mood and then the words just flowed. I don't have a keyboard anymore. I would try it with the guitar, but then I may spend way too much time trying to figure out chords instead of playing, so... Maybe someday when I am better at the guitar, it will be easier to let it all out.