
April 30, 2014

Whoa! Time flies...

Yes, I know - I have been away the longest this time around, but SO much has happened in the last 7 months... Your girl has been caught up in a whirlwind of emotional changes but thanks to another fan a worlds away, I'm back again baby!! I'll try to sum this up in 7 paragraphs to catch you up with what's been going on so put your seat belts on people!

The program chair for my degree program put in a good word for me so I could join in the Graduation celebrations and walk on stage with family present. We all went to Atlanta and had an amazing time. I think I ate more than I ever have in my entire life, it was that insane! I dearly missed my brother and his family, and two of my sisters who couldn't make it though so I hope we get a real family reunion soon with everyone in tow, lol.

We were able to sneak away again, this time back to Houston for Thanksgiving. So much fun! Older sister and her cute baby boy joined us and we all spent the week at my brother's.
Also, unexpected but very happy news ensued :)

It's confirmed! Little Peanut is on its way to us next August... very strange feeling, kinda surreal. I mostly wanted orange juice and eggs at that point - all the time! I remember I was heading into work one day and made it to the complex entrance and decided I really wanted an omelet. I had to turn around and feed my craving :). Needless to say I was late to work, but everyone assumed it was due to traffic and I didn't correct them. Bad girl, haha!

In other fantastic news, we found out hubby got a job offer in Houston, so within one week, my entire life changed and everything I thought 2014 would be, was now moving to a warmer locale. We flew to Florida for the holidays and shared both news with our family there and I mostly tried to come back to earth from my cloud but it never really happened, lol.

I gave my two week notice at work when I returned from Florida. Bitter sweet time trying to transition everything I was working on while trying to pack my desk, which I actually never did... my friend Scott helped on my last day as I frantically said goodbye to everyone! Shameful.

Packing was a drag and it was awful! Thank goodness for the amazing friends who helped un-mount T.Vs and bar shelves from the walls, and pack up an entire kitchen at super speed! You know who you are, you kick-boxing rock stars!

I made it safely to Houston mid January and spent exactly two weeks lounging on the couch everyday staring at my adorable baby nephew! He smiles all the time!!!!! It's so cute :) We celebrated my sister in law's birthday at home, low key with cake she made but I can't remember which flavor... were there cupcakes too? Hmmmm maybe

Didn't do much for Valentine's day, or at least I don't remember. I guess we went out to dinner the following night? I was pretty much battling chronic sleepiness the entire time so all I remember of the first couple of weeks is that I slept A LOT!

I started to get cabin fever and had to start looking for work again. I found a temp job in HR with minimal movements required but the place is a freaking nut house! Filing system is completely out of whack, but not to worry...SMS TO THE RESCUE!

Got really nauseous for the first time and had to leave work. I was sick the whole day, and it was not fun. I have no idea how other pregnant women survive 9 months of being sick like that, but more power to them!

Brother's birthday was also celebrated low key at home with black forest cake! I couldn't even enjoy it because the baby decided if it doesn't taste like Nutella, I don't want it :( Little brat! lol.

AND NOW... We found an apartment :) Moved in on the 22nd but still a lot to buy so we're crowding my brother's place a little longer, hehe! I don't wanna leave my nephews, but it's time to make room for our little one, and get his stuff put together.

Until next time, VOILA!