
May 20, 2012

The Veronica Diaries

Hey readers! I know you've missed me, and I've missed you. OK, enough with the pleasantries... let's get to it! lol!

Over the past couple of weeks, I compiled a mini diary of happenstances from work. A friend (whom we'll call B.) at work and I thought it would be fun to make notes for our third musketeer who was on vacation for a couple of weeks. So I jotted something down every day, and I am now going to share with you the outrageous ones; just to show what type of nonsense some of us have to deal with on a daily basis. I named the Diaries after Veronica Bananahammock who was probably on the beach at the time of record, lol. I skipped over most of the days where nothing happened. Enjoy!

Day 1
Lame-oh! Nothing fun happened. We were bored out of our minds, ate at our desks and tried to stay awake. BORING!

Day 2 - Convo between two co-workers.
Man: I have the paperwork for the new hire
Woman 1: Is it a man or a woman?
M1: Idk...
W: ... What's the name?
M1: David something
W: Oh, David? That's a man.
M1: Oh, I don't know if it's a man or a woman, but the name on the paper is Dave, not David
The rest of us who are sane --> :|!?!?!?!?!

yeaaaaaaaaa, that happened.

Day 3
More boredom

Day 4 - Convo between same man and another woman co-worker.
Man: Is there a difference between sales and marketing?
Woman 2: .....
M: I mean, are they the same department?
W2: What do you think?

... Wow!

Day 5 - Meeting moment.
B sent an email to the team about some changes and updates she made, and where to find them on the share drive. She explained that she didn't print the new docs b/c they are constantly updated in HR so it makes more sense to print them as needed.

Man waits 20 minutes into the meeting to say "team announcement. We have some new documents which I printed and placed in our printer area". Sighhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

Day 6 - Man sends email to a VP and copied to the team about something the VP requested

All set. 
I processed it. 
I think, It was supposed to processing "non standard excellence award"

This is verbatim.

Day 7 - Rants
Woman 1 and Woman 2 spent 20 minutes having the same 4 line conversation over and over and over... seriously! I'm not exaggerating~!

Later that day, W1 went into a 15 min complaint about why she didn't like the fact that some countries write their names in a different order. An employee emailed us about updating her name in the system due to her recent marriage. She gave us her new last name but W1 thought the woman gave us ... get this... the wrong last name! Oh, the outrage!!!

I'm sorry, but I'm pretty sure the woman knows her own name, wouldn't you think? I tried to explain this to W1 saying that in that employee's country, her name is written in a different order than the way we write them in the States. Case and point: in Japan, and many other countries (including my own), people write their last name first when making introductions. W1 flipped out, said she'd never heard of such a thing, called me a know-it-all, and then sent an email to our supervisor asking her what she should do about updating the name... wow!

Day 8 - Rants
W1 is still talking about the employee's name change and complaining that her request was "inconsistent with her marriage certificate"... which coincidentally, listed the name the EXACT WAY the employee asked it... SIGH!

Day 9 
Man once again repeated useless information at the team meeting and things that other people already covered to make himself sound important.

W1 asked yet again about the woman with the name change, thinking that the outcome would be different in a group setting. What's the definition of insanity again?

Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

Albert Einstein.

And here's a definition I found on an online dictionary.

I rest my case.

Day 10
Man randomly left work at 3:30 w/o telling anyone...just packed up and walked away huffing. Weird.

Day 11 - The Final Torture
We have finally reached the final day of your [Veronica's] exile! You will need this diary to keep from crying the loss of beach time when you return, LOL!
B is leaving work at 3, Man is leaving at 4 and W2 as always, leaves at 2... that will leave, you guessed it: me alone with W1 for an entire hour... Yay.

--- The End ---

Hope you enjoyed this one time only release of "The Veronica Diaries". ;)